Yvonne Ellen Mini Kid's Nighty Night Cushion


Yvonne Ellen Mini Kid's Nighty Night Cushion

  • Afl68.00
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The perfect finishing touch for your room, the Nighty Night cushion is a fun addition to your bed with its stunning blue and gold embroidered wording on a cute star patterned background. Designed to complement the Yvonne Ellen Mini bedding collection. 

Produced in 100% cotton half Panama (excluding trims).

Designed to bring a bit of sass to the bedroom, these bed cushions go perfectly with the Yvonne Ellen Mini bedding

All Yvonne Ellen Mini designs have been adapted from Yvonne's original illustrations and, coupled with her exquisite colour palette, create a delightful and truly endearing collection of children's bedroom accessories with a twist. Stylish, cute, and unique!

100% COTTON half panama (excluding trims) 

Dimensions: 50cm x 30cm 

Most of our teacups are made in our fabulous factory based in China who are experts at the fine bone china we are so well known for as well as the stunning colours and gold highlights. The same goes for all our other bone china tableware except for our vintage items - they're mostly made in England but as they are all sourced individually as and when I find them, I can't guarantee their country of origin.

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